This Christmas, as you sit in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by your closest family and friends, try to spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.

As you are aware, we have not all been blessed with warm homes, good nourishing food, expensive gifts and endless supplies of unconditional love. Many of us take these things for granted, assuming that we deserve the finer things in life because we work hard and deserve to ‘play’ hard also .

The sad reality is that there is a whole world of people out there who dread the thought of Christmas as it brings feelings of regret, stark reminders of their poor financial status and memories of happier times that can never happen again. This is such a terrible shame and we all need to think about these people around this time.

Why should anyone feel alone this Christmas? Why should financial burdens stand in the way of a happy holiday? Do children deserve to go without because their parents are struggling to make ends meet?

No matter who we are or what we have done, we all deserve to smile this Christmas. We deserve to forget our troubles and laugh and enjoy the holiday time Roll forming machine.

In order to inspire Christmas cheer, spread the love and share what you can with those around you. Below, I have outlined some simple yet effective ways to to help those less fortunate at Christmas time:

• Drop cans of food and bottles of water into your local homeless shelter. If you can find the time during the Christmas period, volunteer to hand out Christmas dinner to the homeless people in your area.

• Give old toys and clothes into the charity shop. Many people have begun to purchase Christmas gifts from charity stores. By giving away your old belongings,you are increasing the stock available to the public indoorilite generator.

• Instead of purchasing designer labels or expensive electronic products, give the money to charity in the name of your loved ones. This is a thoughtful gift that has lasting effects.

• Contact your local primary school and volunteer to dress up as Santa and visit each class. Use this opportunity to explain that Santa has encountered some difficulties this year and that he will be unable to give every item on their Christmas list.

• Encourage your friends and family to join in and have a fundraiser for people in need this Christmas.

• Visit your elderly neighbors and invite them around for Christmas dinner. It is one day in the year and by inviting a lonely neighbor will make their year.

• Organize a collection box in your local supermarket. Encourage shoppers to place in tins of food and toys to be distributed to the poor people in your area.

These are just a few things you can do which will make such a difference to those less fortunate than yourselves. You will probably find that the feeling you get from doing something so selfless will give you more than a boost than seeing your children open their designer gifts on Christmas morning .

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