
How To Get Quality Used Clear boxes For Your Storage Needs FREE!

So you're in the business of organizing and storing your valuables, and of course, you

need used Clear boxes.This article is going to give you some tips on getting used boxes

for free and where to go if you have to buy them.

Years ago, it was a lot easier to get used Clear boxes. Your local grocery store was

only happy to get rid of their empty used Clear boxes.Anyone could just call up the

store manager and request them. Now, that's changed in many places. Many companies are

going "green", which means they are sending their Clear boxes to recyclers in China.

At first thought, this may seem like a really great idea. After all, isn't recycling all

about saving the environment and saving the planet? Sure it is, but let's take it a step

beyond recycling. What good is recycling, when there is still waste of resources

involved in the recycling process? The point is, that many used Clear boxes that are

being sent to the recyclers are perfect for you or someone else needing to use them for

storage, shipping or moving.

So, we're in a dilemma. Many cities are sending their Clear boxes to recyclers, instead

of re-using them. So how can you get them for free?

Try Home Depot/Sears/Best Buy/etc. – Most likely you'll discover that they send

them to recyclers, but some areas do make exceptions. What you do is call up the store

and tell them that you are looking for refrigerator boxes and that that you were told

that there is a local delivery company that does. What you want is to get the name of

the delivery company and their phone number. Make sure that you get someone like a

manager or a full-time employee who will give the contact information for local delivery

companies, not national franchises like GE. The delivery contractors usually are only

happy to give you their boxes.
Visit your small and local delivery service companies. These are "mom and pop"

Family owned appliance stores – These are usually the best places to get boxes,

especially used cardboard boxes that are large enough to store enough of your items.

Refrigerator boxes are the largest, but not all boxes have to be the same size, and you

may not want all boxes to be that big. There are dryer boxes, washer boxes, and even

smaller ones available.
Bicycle Shops – again, the locally owned bicycle shops tend to be the best.
Building contractors – they would definitely know where to direct you to free used

Clear boxes.
Cabinet dealers – once again, great source of FREE cardboard boxes.
Furniture stores – they tend to have larger boxes available.

Related Reading:

clear packaging box       Clear plastic folding boxes


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