clear packaging box can be made in many different shapes and sizes. The most common shaped clear packaging box is known as fefco code 0201. FEFCO is regarded as the international standard guide to clear packaging box designs. FEFCO stands for Fédération Européenne des Fabricants de Carton Ondule which in English means Europeon Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers. Fefco was established in 1952 and represents the interests of the Europeon Corrugated Board Manufacturers. With its headquarters in Brussels, FEFCO has 24 active members, all Europeon national corrugated packaging organisations. The role of the federation is to investigate economic, financial, technical and marketing issues of interest to the corrugated packaging industry, to analyse all factors which may influence the industry and to promote and develop its image.

Fefco 02 styles are slotted type boxes. Slotted type boxes are one piece of cardboard glued, stitched or taped at the manufactures joint and top and bottom flaps. They are shipped flat and need the bottom taping before use.

Fefco 07 styles are dy-glued cases are made from one piece of cardboard and are shipped flat. Simple folding is all that is required to ready the boxes for use.

Fefco code 0759 is similar to 0427 and 0471 apart from the downward strength which is less. The advantages are the speedy erection and its health and safety conscious design and the minimal potential for repetitive strain injury although it is a bit more expensive than 0427 or 0471.

Recently out is the ability to have coloured custom made clear packaging box made in a multitude of colours. Black, Blue, Green and Red are all now available to make your custom made clear packaging box in. These coloured clear packaging box can add value to your product, therefore increasing the price you can sell your product for and also the amount of sales you can make.

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