Although it may be referred to as a charcoal filter, shower head suppliers filters typically contain granular activated carbon; at least the most effective ones do. The carbon may be derived from charcoal, coal or other sources, but it will have been processed to make it more porous and increase the surface area.

Filters containing carbon particles work through a process called adsorption. Not to be confused with absorption, adsorption is the process whereby chemical molecules, which are much smaller than a molecule of water, are trapped on the surface of a filtering media. As the water passes over the granules, it is cleansed of chemicals such as chlorine.

Showerhead filters have been praised by dermatologists, hairdressers and other beauty experts because they know the effect that chlorine and chloramines have on a person's skin and hair. Basically, the chemicals dry out our natural oils.

Excessive skin dryness contributes to wrinkling and sagging. It plays a role in eczema and dermatitis, as well as other skin problems. It may contribute to acne, because it changes the skin's natural pH level. The skin's natural slightly acidic pH level would normally keep the acne bacteria colonies under control.

So, choosing activated charcoal filter shower head suppliers designs could help clear up your skin and improve the appearance of your hair. But, what about the health benefits?

Well, other than the benefits to the skin's health, which have already been mentioned, there are benefits to people that suffer from respiratory problems. Fumes from chlorine trigger and worsen asthma attacks. The first use of granular activated carbon was during the First World War when chlorine "mustard gas" was used as a chemical weapon. The carbon was used in masks to protect the soldiers from the dangers of inhaling the gas.

The other primary benefit of activated charcoal filter shower head suppliers designs is in the area of cancer prevention. A growing amount of research indicates that we can reduce our risks of various kinds of cancer by protecting ourselves from simple chemical exposures, such as occur during a hot bath.

When heated, chlorine is converted into chloroform gas. Recent studies suggest that there is some level of chloroform gas in homes throughout the US, due to showering in unfiltered water.

Not every charcoal filter shower head suppliers design will reduce our exposure to chloroform gas. In order to find one that does, you will need to look for a brand that is certified to remove THMs or trihalomethanes, a group of chemicals to which chloroform belongs.

The effectiveness of the filters on the market varies greatly. Some reduce chlorine by 30-50%. Others remove 70-99% of the chemicals, as well as trapping chloroform and other hazardous THMs.

If the system includes an ion exchange step, it will further balance the water's pH level and trap metallic particles, another good idea. Please choose your charcoal filter shower head system carefully, but choose one today.

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