Knowing your way around the market is key to the success of any business at any time. It's important to know how to choose a trustworthy distributor before you even think of signing a deal with one.

But, why buy from a distributor? Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy from a manufacturer? Well, actually, no. In most cases, you'll actually pay more buying directly from the manufacturer, and, you'll find that no one manufacturer has everything you need. Manufacturers rely on quality distributors to sell their product, and so they usually price their direct sales (if they even do sell directly) at a higher price so they don't compete with their own distributors. For most buyers, it is still a better option to choose a trustworthy distributor instead of buying directly from a manufacturer.

Follow these guidelines to ensure that you get the best Clear plastic tube out there:

- Look for a supplier who really knows the Clear plastic tube industry. When you're in a jam, you'll need an ally on your side who can help you sort out the purchasing issues that you might encounter. Most of the big companies consider a well-versed supplier as the most important priority in their choice of suppliers. Not having a "go to guy" when important issues arise can really make a dent in your sales.

- Look for a supplier who's been in the field long enough to have experience in down times. When times get tough, some of the young companies won't survive. You'll want someone with a good reputation who has solid ties with more than one manufacturer, as, even manufacturers go under.

- Mexico and China are said to be good sources for Clear plastic tube. However, most of these companies are new in the field and may not be able to offer you the best quality. Additionally, many of these companies claim to be US-based when they are not. This kind of deception could continue throughout your deals with them. Many small businesses have reported foreign manufacturers shorting them on their order or receiving bags that are thinner than the specs they ordered.

- Finally, you should purchase from a company that has a large variety of plastic bags and tubing. If you want a lasting working relationship with a distributor, it's best to stick with a distributor that can supply you with everything that you need.

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